Little Miss M turned 1 year old April 2010, so my Hanna and I ventured out to a wonderfully bee-utiful birthday party hosted by her mommy and daddy. M's mommy feared rain, but the day turned out to be gorgeous for a back yard fiesta. Family and friends joined for the occassion to celebrate M's first birthday. Thank A & J for inviting me to celebrate and be apart of M's first birthday!
Finishing up some lunch before the party started.
Such a happy birthday girl with her balloons.
Not too sure why Ms. Staci was at her house and not in purple, haha.
Bee-utiful Birthday Girl!!
Love the tutu!!
M's little friend Miss D.. with eyes to die for!
Yummy water play toy.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..."
Mommy helping M blow out the candle.
What is this?!
Made a mess. :)