Sunday, February 19, 2012

8 days new.

Baby B was nice and cozy inside the womb and took his time until he decided to enter the world, which I heard took about 20 minutes!  I photographed his mama, daddy and big brother before his arrival for some family portraits at Maclay Gardens and once he arrived, I asked his mama if I could take a few photos of him once they were home.  I am new to newborn photography, so I am trying to learn.  Baby B decided to wake up when we were ready to take his photos, so he was a little antsy, but I still managed to get a few adorable shots of him.  I can't wait to watch him grow, as his parents have him enrolled at GR!!  Thank you to baby B's mama and daddy for allowing to photograph your second beautiful son. :)

 The only one I captured of him sleeping.

 Love this shot.

 Sweet Baby B.

Precious little boy.

baby b turns one

I photographed baby B's family almost a year old, because he was just a little fellow.  Now he has turned one!  It is so crazy how time flies so fast.  We met over at Maclay Gardens to get a few shots of this cutie for his birthday.  He was not big on smiling for the camera, but his facials were enough to capture some great shots!  Happy 1st Birthday baby B!  Thank you to the W family for allowing me to photograph your little sweet boy. :)

 Such a big guy!

 Checking out his mama.

 I see some teeth.

 What a smile! :)

 Walking with mama.

 Chillin' on a tree branch.

 Crawling in his own little world.

Such a happy boy!!

the s girls

Whew! I am behind on these blogged sessions.  The S girls were photographed while Hanna and I were on vacation in south Florida visiting my family and friends from my hometown of Palm Beach Gardens.  We headed over to the Juno Beach Pier, which was my first attempt at beach photos.  If it were a different time of day, I think I would have fell more in love with beach photos.  Anywho, H is my bestest friend since we were in the 5th grade, J is her older sister and little sweetie E, is her niece.  With having to bribe E with some special activities and confirming that Hanna would watch her seashells for her, she was hard to please to get stay still and smile, but we got her!  Thank you to the S girls for allowing me to photograph ya'll! :)
 Love these ladies.

 Beach lovers.

 Auntie and her niece.

 Mama and her daughter.

 Princess E.
 Lilly ad? hehe.

Love this.