Saturday, December 17, 2011

the b family

The B family is family.  This is my sister-in-law M, her husband T and their little man N.  I was super excited when I was asked to take their family photos.  I love some little N and always try capturing his photos at family gatherings.  We met at Dorthy B. Oven Park and unfortunately, little N was a little under the weather, so he really didn't have much interest in photos, but we managed to get a few great shots and at least one for their holiday card to send to family (which I have proudly hanging up already).  Thank you B family for allowing me to photograph your family photos. :)

 Love that face with druel and all.

 The B Family.

 Mommy and son.

 Such a big boy now.

 Sweet family love.

 Father son love.

M & T.

sweet p and family

Little Miss Sweet P surely is a ham with some very sweet cheeks!  I was super excited when her mommy asked me to take their holiday photos/9 month photos.  I see Sweet P everyday at school, and she is always a joy!  She has starting crawling and pulling up on everything, along with some crazy cute sounds.  We met up at Dorthy B. Oven Park for some holiday fun photos where Sweet P did great!  Mommy has already spoke of her first birthday and I can't wait!  Thank you to the E family for allowing me to take your photos. :)

 Little Miss Sweet P.

 She LOVES her puppy.

 So super cute.

 What a doll.

 Love those baby blues.

Pouty face.
Such a happy girl.

the g family

This little man is absolutely adorable!  Once upon a time, he was one of my babies in the classroom, but has moved on to another center.  I don't get to see him nearly as much as I use too, but at least once a week now.  We met up at Dorthy B. Oven Park for some holiday family photos.  Mr M was not afraid of the camera, so he did a great job until it was time for dinner, hehe.  I love this family and can't wait to take more photos in the future!  Thank you to the G family for allowing me to take your family photos. :)

 Just look at that face!!

 Such a good looking family.

 Ugh, he is getting so big.

 Daddy and son moment.

 The G Family.

 He is so sweet.

 First attempt with this photo and I love it!

He will always be mommy's baby.

miss and family

Miss A receives so much love from her family so they came along to be apart of her photos session.  Her mommy and daddy of course, and her grandma, and even her great grandma - which made for wonderful generation photos.  We met up at Dorthy B. Oven Park for some traditional photos along with Santa's sleigh that the park has set up.  Miss A was a little more adjusted to me since our first meeting at the pumpkin patch, so it made for a fun time.  Thank you to Miss A's mommy and familly for allowing me to take your family photos.  You all are a joy! :)

 Four generations.

 Adorable Miss A.

 Lots of love.

 Mommy and daughter love.

 Check out those eyes!!

 Love it!

 She favors both of them so much.

 Daddy daughter moment.


Can't wait for her next shoot, too cute!